The New York Center for Travel and Tropical Medicine, located in Midtown East, New York, NY, offers pre-travel consultative services and immunizations as well as treatment for travel-related illnesses and post-travel medical screening in our state-of-the-art facility. We take pride in providing high-quality specialized care for all travel medical needs.

Dr. Bradley A. Connor founded the center in 1986 as Travel Health Services, one of a handful of physicians in the United States at the time to conceptualize and create the specialty of Travel Medicine. Travel Medicine focuses on preventing and managing health issues associated with travel, with concerns as diverse as (1) “What shots do I need for this trip?”, (2) “I am an insulin-dependent diabetic traveling to Hong Kong, how do I account for the 12 time zones in taking my insulin?”, (3) “What happens if I get sick during my trip?”.

What Is Travel Medicine?

Travel medicine is an interdisciplinary specialty concerned with the prevention and management of health problems associated with travel.

Travel health practitioners are experts in destination-specific health risks and preventive measures. Travel medicine specialists address and respond to travelers’ disease, epidemic, and vaccination issues, and monitor governmental and regulatory agencies such as the CDC and WHO.

It may come as a surprise to many that there doctors and nurses specialize in health issues related to travel.

Travel Medicine evolved in response to a need among leisure and business travelers for accurate, up-to-date, and reliable information on destination-specific health risks

Travel Medicine begins with a pre-travel consultation, which tailors destination-specific advice to the individual traveler. Depending on the specific travel itinerary, health and immunization history, current medications, and type of travel (business, leisure, adventure, off-the-beaten-track, organized tour, etc.), a plan is created to keep you safe and healthy. This often includes information on food and water precautions, prevention and self-treatment of travelers’ diarrhea, vaccine-preventable disease, and strategies for prevention of local tropical diseases such as malaria and dengue fever.

At the New York Center for Travel and Tropical Medicine, we provide the full array of routine, recommended, and required vaccines for travel. We are an official Yellow Fever Vaccination Center, authorized by the World Health Organization (WHO) to validate the International Certificates of Vaccination (ICV).

What We Provide

  • Immunizations required and recommended for entry into foreign countries. We are an official Yellow Fever Vaccination Center and are authorized by the World Health Organization (WHO) to validate the International Certificates of Vaccination (ICV).
  • Pre-travel consultation focusing on destination-specific health risks from food and water, parasitic disease, insect-borne illness such as malaria or dengue fever and effective preventative measures.
  • Information on emergency contact and physician referrals, and access to carefully screened physicians and medical facilities worldwide.
  • Computerized printout of destination-specific health risks, climate information, embassy and consulate phone numbers.
  • Specialized consultation for foreign relocation, expatriate, and extended travel.
  • Specialized consultation for travelers with preexisting medical conditions and those with special needs.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of post-travel illness. The New York Center for Travel and Tropical Medicine is an internationally recognized clinical research center for chronic gastrointestinal symptoms in returned travelers.

Referral Center for Travel Related Illness and Post-Travel Medical Screening
Full diagnostic laboratory capabilities include examination for diarrheal pathogens, parasites, schistosomiasis (bilharzia), tuberculosis, rickettsial disease, vector-borne diseases including malaria, chikungunya, dengue fever, West Nile virus, and Yellow Fever. We test for Lyme disease, Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, and Babesia. We provide pre-deployment services for corporations as well as periodic post-travel screening.

We are a founding member and New York City site for GeoSentinel, the emerging infectious disease network of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM).


Ask about our travel concierge medical services and medical advance work.